Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
A streamlined and bijou newsletter this week, but that certainly doesn’t reflect on the hive of activity, and to pursue the bee metaphor even further, with the buzz (I’m so sorry) of busy children and staff all around the building.
Bikes, Trikes & Scooters Request
Mrs. Liddy and her foundation learners’ department would love donations of any outgrown, appropriately sized, bicycles, tricycles, or scooters for the children to use. Please speak to your child’s class teacher or to the admin team if you think you may have a bike, trike, or scooter to donate. Many thanks.
School Contact
We are always more than happy to talk with parents and carers here at Rhos St, but would politely request that contact be arranged through our telephone number: 01824702565 or email address: . We have had some parents / carers contact staff through unaffiliated social media platforms this week. This puts staff, and parents, in a possibly difficult position and risks compromising the important delineation between professional and home life. Many thanks, in advance, for your support in relation to this.
Head Lice
I have been informed of incidences of head lice in school this week. I would request that you check your child’s hair and treat if appropriate. Please see the information below regarding identification and treatment of head lice:
Head lice are small insects (no larger than a sesame seed when fully grown) with moving legs. They live very close to the scalp. Nits are not the same as lice. They are the egg cases which stick to the hair and look like specks of dandruff. You only have head lice if you find a moving louse (not a nit). Your head does not have to be itchy to have head lice.
Because of children’s play activity and direct head-to-head contact, head lice are usually found on children, but can also spread to adults. Head lice are caught from close family and friends in the home and community, as well as at school. Head lice live in all types of hair – dirty or clean, short, or long. Head lice walk from one head to another, when heads are in direct contact with each other – they do not fly, jump, or swim. It may be advisable to keep long hair tied back to reduce the chance of infection.
As most children will get head lice at some point or another, we strongly advise that our parents/carers routinely check their children’s hair for head lice at least weekly. For more information about head lice, how to check for head lice and treatment please visit this website, or visit your local pharmacist:,more%20information%20on%20the%20service.&text=Lice%20and%20nits%20can%20be%20removed%20by%20wet%20combing.
Living Classroom
The Reception and Yr. 6 classes had a fantastic trip to the Living Classroom on Wednesday. The Yr. 6 children were brilliant, supporting their younger peers so well. They all had huge fun searching for minibeasts and even got to do some splashing in the stream. We are so proud of the children, from both classes, who behaved so well and really made the most of their outdoor learning experiences.
Cornel Gymraeg – Welsh Corner
It was the turn of the teaching assistants and higher-level teaching assistants to sharpen their Welsh skills this week as we welcomed Mr. Gareth Williams in to deliver some Welsh training. The staff took away lots of great teaching ideas and games for the development of Welsh language in the school.
We also welcomed Mr. Peter Ryder, a community governor here at Rhos St, who came in as part of his role as link governor for Welsh-language development, to speak with the staff and Mr. Williams, who, we are proud to say, was very complimentary about our Welsh-language work.
Chicken Pox
We have a child with us here at Rhos St with a severe sensitivity to the chicken pox virus. Should your child display any symptoms of chicken pox or receive a diagnosis of chicken pox please notify school as a matter of urgency.
Timely notification will enable the parents of the child with the severe sensitivity to seek vital medical attention if required. Many thanks in advance for your help and support regarding this extremely serious matter.
Coleg Llandrillo, Rhyl – Community Fun Day
Coleg Llandrillo, Rhyl campus are hosting a Community Fun Day on Saturday, 18th May between 10.00am and 3.00pm. The event is open to everyone from the local community.
It is an opportunity to visit the site, meet the staff and to experience a wide range of educational and participative activities, including a tour of the new Engineering Centre. There will be over 50 activities that are fun and free to suit all ages, ranging from an immersive planetarium experience, meeting a robot, face painting, making slime and building a bird box.
Public service colleagues from the Police, Fire & Rescue and Armed Forces will be there with their vehicles as well as partners from Welsh Rugby Union, Xplore Science Centre and games galore to make this a fun and enjoyable day for children and their families. Why not head along to join in the fun at our Coleg Llandrillo community event.