Rhagfyr 9fed / December 9th 2022

Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,

The colder weather is definitely letting us know that winter is here, but thankfully it has not prevented the work on the school roof from going ahead. We have now a full set of working skylights in the Yrs. 5/6 corridor, which has made an appreciable difference to the temperature in there. The whole school is gearing up for our Christmas performances and we all have our fingers crossed that certain infectious illnesses (not naming them as they might be listening) don’t have an impact on the cast… I’m really hoping I won’t have to make my debut this year as stand-in for Donkey No4!

Mr. Jones
We have been notified that Mr. Bryn Jones has been successful in attaining the permanent post of Core Lead for Flintshire within GwE’s North Wales Regional Education Service. Mr. Jones had been seconded to the GwE consortium, since January of this year. This secondment will continue until he takes up his permanent role at the start of the summer term 2023. We are of course saddened to hear that Rhos St will be losing its headteacher, who has given so much to the school for so many years, dealing with the increasingly diverse challenges of the role as well as providing such professional, positive leadership for both pupils and staff alike as well as forging extremely constructive and productive relationships with the school community as a whole. Mr. Jones will be very much missed at Rhos St, but we are also tremendously happy for him as he moves on to the next phase of his career, one to which we are sure he will bring the same drive, focus and dedication that he brought to us at Rhos St School. We wish him every continued success in the future, GwE are very lucky to have him. Rhos St’s governing body will, in due course, be beginning the process of appointing a new headteacher for the school. I will, of course, keep you updated of any developments.

Nursery and Giggle Daycare Communication
I would request that any communication pertaining to Giggles Daycare be through the messaging applet of the Seesaw application or by telephone, through the school’s contact number 01824 702565. All Seesaw messages will be answered, within Giggles Daycare operating hours, as promptly as is practicable. May I also request that any messages for Nursery staff be through the school office, or via email to: andrew.davis@denbighshire.gov.uk , not sent to Giggles Daycare staff to be passed on please. Many thanks, in advance, for your support in relation to this matter.

Christmas Lunch
Thursday was our Christmas lunch at school and a resplendent, Christmas feast was laid before the appreciative pupils and staff. Huge thank you to Jane and her team for the wonderful festive spread and for all of their hard work feeding us so well here at school, not just for Christmas lunch, but every day! They say an army marches on its stomach, a school definitely does!
You can view the current menu and see information about forthcoming theme days in the canteen by following PenRhos Cinio on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084488469932

Kick-It Sports
Our Kick-It Sports multi-skills club began on Monday for the Yrs. R, 1 and 2 pupils. From the look of them afterwards all the children had an intensive and great fun session. The next session is on Monday 19th of December with two subsequent sessions on the 16th and 23rd of January. Kick-It Sports are offering a full-day (5 hour) sports session, here at Rhos St, on Tuesday January 3rd 9:00am – 2:00pm. The day costs £16 and can be booked through this link: https://bookwhen.com/kickitsports#focus=ev-swdo-20230103090000

Christmas Concert Additional Tickets
The tickets for the foundation learners’ and Juniors’ Christmas concerts have been selling like hot cakes! Any available tickets will be available to purchase from the school office from Monday 12th December, for the junior concert and from Friday 16th December for the foundation learners’ concert. In order to be as fair as possible the number of additional tickets available for purchase, for each family, will be dependent on the number of extra tickets available for each respective performance.

We have not had the chance, in recent weeks, to share our achievers, due to various courses, visits and Christmas performance practices, so it is lovely to be able to share our amazing and talented achievers this week:
Maya, Albie, Abi, Harry, Oliver, Grace, Joe and Henry. Sylvia performed an amazing violin solo to the whole

Yours sincerely / Yn gywir

Andrew Davis, Headteacher / Pennaeth