May 3rd 2019 Mai 3ydd

Dear Parents & Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
I hope everybody had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the sunshine. We head into the Summer term refreshed and looking forward to the warmer weather activities that take place and the fun trips in the offing. Year 5 have already enjoyed a visit to Theatre Clwyd this week and photos can be seen on Twitter. Next week, I’ll provide you with a list of provisional dates mapping out the term, so please keep an eye out for that.

Gobeithio bod pawb wedi cael Pasg hyfryd ac wedi mwynhau’r heulwen. Rydym wedi cyrraedd tymor yr haf ac yn edrych ymlaen at weithgareddau tywydd cynhesach sy’n digwydd a’r teithiau llawn hwyl sydd wedi eu trefnu. Mae Blwyddyn 5 eisoes wedi mwynhau ymweliad â Theatr Clwyd yr wythnos hon a gellir gweld lluniau ar Twitter. Yr wythnos nesaf, byddaf yn rhoi rhestr i chi o ddyddiadau yn mapio’r tymor, felly cadwch lygad allan am hynny.

Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,

Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher / Pennaeth

Yard Extension and Garden Development – As you’ll recall, the Eco-Council met with DCC officials back in March to further discuss the development of the outdoor space. That meeting was the culmination of a long period of consultation between the school and the local authority. We heard some good news before the Easter break about these plans for our external garden and yard areas coming to fruition. Long term discussions have come to a positive conclusion. Please watch this space and thank you for your patience as we worked to this satisfactory solution.

Year 2 Family Service – Thank you to Year 2 for their Family Service this morning. They shared a lot of information in a really creative and interesting way. Thank you to Mrs Liddy, Jill and Jayne for their work and to Elizabeth for her input with the children also.

National Tests – The test window for the Reading and Numeracy Reasoning tests is May 7th-14th. The Procedural Maths test will be taken online in school.

Bank Holiday – Enjoy your Bank Holiday on Monday!

Giggles – Good luck to Giggles in the Awards Night next week in which they’ve been nominated!

Maths Challenge – Good luck to our Yr 5 pupils in today’s Maths Challenge at Ruthin School.

Achievers – Students of the Week were Claire, Connor, Leo, Eva-May, Year 2, Flynn, Leo and Callum. Xander received his Grade 5 music theory certificate, Daniel a football trophy and medals and Holly a swimming certificate

Solihull Approach
– A flyer has been attached for you to consider taking advantage of a Denbighshire co-ordinated parenting group to be held at Ysgol Borthyn. Alternatively, you can complete the course online if you feel it appropriate. For further information, please contact one of the numbers on the information sheet.

Urdd Art – Congratulations to Ffion, Seren, Connie and Illy for their success this week in the Urdd Art. Photos to follow when we receive certificates!

Year 6 Tempest Photos – Could all orders for the Yr 6 photo please be in by next Friday.

PTA Disco – Please see the attached poster, regarding a disco next Friday.