Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
As the clock ticks down on the autumn term, it’s great to see all the children and staff embracing the festive season, even me, in my role Rhos St’s arch-Grinch, is starting to succumb. Following on from the success of last week’s Christmas performances this week has seen two great visits to the reindeer farm and the Christmas-craft machine getting up to full speed with snowflakes, Christmas cards and festive bunting erupting from every classroom. Just one week to go before we close our doors for the Christmas holidays…not that we’re counting.
Reindeer Farm
We had fantastic visits to the North Hill Reindeer Farm on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The weather was dry, if a little chilly, and everyone had a wonderful time in the Christmas-tree maze, toasting marshmallows and feeding the reindeer. A huge thank you to Dom and Si for looking after us so well, to our very own Emma for organising it all so expertly, and to the, always brilliant, Rhos St PTA for subsidising the visit. There will be pictures aplenty of the visit on our Rhos St Flickr account coming soon…
Christmas Singing at Tesco
Our fab Rhos St choir headed off as far as Tesco on Tuesday to sing some well-known Christmas classics and favourite songs from our Panto Pandemonium show. The children had a lovely response from the shoppers and lent a wonderful Christmassy air to the place. Thank you to Miss. Davies, and Rachel, from Denbighshire Music Cooperative, for giving up their own time to practise with the children and for taking them on the day.
Tree Planting
Ellie, Denbighshire’s biodiversity officer, and Denbighshire Countryside Services staff have been working with groups of children this week planting trees around the school site. The children had a fantastic time and really enjoyed helping to increase the biodiversity of our school.
Urdd Sports Club
Please see the flyer attached for the Urdd Sports Club scheduled to begin in February 2025. Scan the QR Code of follow this link to book a place on the course:
Urdd – Gweithgareddau
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day
Many thanks for the wonderful response to our Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day yesterday. The children looked great in their festive jumpers and over £150 was raised to support the incredibly valuable work conducted by Save the Children all over the world. One more Christmas Jumper day to go on, Friday 20th of December.
Kick It Sports
Kick It Sports are offering a series of four football sessions for Yrs. 1 to 6, at a cost of £18, on the following dates:
• Thu, 16 Jan ’25 3:15pm – 4:30pm
• Thu, 23 Jan ’25 3:15pm – 4:30pm
• Thu, 30 Jan ’25 3:15pm – 4:30pm
• Thu, 6 Feb ’25 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Follow this link for the information video:
Follow this link to sign up:
A Very Special Visitor
It was wonderful to welcome Santa to Rhos St school yesterday. The great man must have heard that it was Rhos St’s Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner day on Thursday and took the opportunity of all that ‘Christmassyness’ to make a magical appearance. Santa was helped by some of the Yr. 6 Elves to give out gifts to all the children and to keep abreast of how the naughty and nice list was shaping up (apparently it’s coal again for me this year). Huge thanks to the PTA for providing Santa with some of the gifts and to Santa himself for taking time out of his incredibly busy schedule, at this time of year, to come and visit us here at school. Fortunately, as the children of Rhos St had fed his reindeer so well, earlier in the week, his long trip form the North pole whizzed by in a flash.