November 13th 2020 Tachwedd 13eg

Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,

Children in Need – We’ve had a great day here in school, all in the name of Children in Need. Spots, stripes, pyjamas and all manner of outfits were seen today. Some lovely activities also took place and the children have had lots of fun. Thank you for your donations. The total will be shared when it’s all counted.

PTA – Despite all the Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions, the PTA are busy in the background thinking of fundraising ideas and activities for the children. Next Friday will be a PTA own clothes day and if anybody is able to send in chocolate as a donation for PTA prizes then we’d be very grateful. The PTA are also organising a Xmas raffle and if you have any prizes that you are able to donate, then once again it would be appreciated. Please see Lucy Purvis, Julie Brixey, Jenny Johnson or pop into the office if you are able to help. When we finally have our new yard built, we will of course be investing in some outdoor resources and the PTA money raised will go towards those purchases.

Craft Fair – A Covid-19 safe Craft Fair is taking place outdoors at Ruthin Gaol on Sunday 15th November 10am-4pm. A great opportunity to support small local businesses, as well as a chance to get out with the family following the recent lockdown.

Anti-Bullying Week – Next week, there will be activities taking place in class and on Monday, everybody is invited to come into school wearing odd socks to celebrate how it’s good to different.

Lost Property – We have an accumulation of items in school which we would normally lay out on a table at the front of the school for people to claim. Covid-19 restrictions now make this impossible, I’m afraid. If you are looking for a particular item of clothing that has been mislaid, please pop into the office to claim it. At the end of term we will donate all remaining items to charity.

Students of the Week – Our Students of the Week were Sam, Louie, Neve, ArloJ, Piper, Penny, Charlea, Joe, Ryan, Scarlet, Poppy, Leo, Tyler, Jolie, Elliott and Xavier. Noah was also awarded a Welsh certificate. Wewll done to them all.

Children in Need Colouring Competition – Well done to Freya, Louie, Rayne, Claire, Leon, Charlotte, Stacey and Lexie who were selected as winners in the colouring competition.

Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,

Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher / Pennaeth