Mehefin 24ain / June 24th 2022

Mehefin 24ain / June 24th 2022
Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,

The sunny weather seems to be deserting us for a while, let’s hope not for too long. Lots more great things going on this week, school trips away, pond making and if the muffled sounds from the hall are anything to go by, secret preparations for the Yr. 6 Leavers’ Service are afoot!

Sun Protection
Despite the sun showing its fickle side today there will, hopefully, be lots more sunny weather as the term draws to a close. Please see the following precis of our Sun Policy:
• Clothing
• We will actively encourage all pupils to wear a sunhat (ideally with a protective back flap) when playing outside.
• Pupils will wear t-shirts during PE or outdoor lessons to cover up their shoulders.
• We will encourage staff and parents/guardians to act as good role models by practicing sun safety
• Parents/guardians will be asked to ensure their children wear appropriate cover clothing during sunny periods
• Sunscreen
• The use of high factor (40+) all day sunscreen will be encouraged across the whole school day and during
outdoor school trips or visits.
• We will remind parents/guardians to provide their child(ren) with sunscreen for school trips and events.
• We WILL NOT hold a stock of sunscreen in the school.
• Foundation / Key Stage 1
• Parents/guardians will be asked to apply sunscreen to their children before they come to school.
• Parents/guardians will be asked to sign a form giving permission for their children to bring their
own sunscreen to school and apply it themselves.
• The sun cream must be labelled with the pupil’s name and will be stored in crates and kept by the class teacher.
• The crates of sunscreen will be made available to the pupils during break times and lunch times.
• Pupils will be supervised with the application of their sunscreen.
• Key Stage 2
• Parents/guardians will be asked to apply sunscreen to their children before they come to school.
• Parents/guardians will be asked to provide their child(ren) with their own sunscreen to bring to school so
that they can apply it themselves.
• The pupils will be encouraged to apply sunscreen themselves before playtimes and lunchtimes.
• Pupils will be supervised with the application of their sunscreen.

Parent Governor Applications
We are opening applications for two Parent Governors at school. I have sent out today information regarding the role of governor as well as a nomination and application form. Prospective governors are asked to complete a short personal statement in support of their application. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the role of Parent Governor with either myself or the Chair of Governors Julie Debicka, then please contact the school office.

Ruthin Carnival
Please see attached flyer for Rhos St’s plans for the Ruthin Carnival on Saturday 25th of June. Meet-up is at 10.30am next to the BP petrol station. Participants are asked to wear blue and bring blue, preferably noisy, things.

PTA – Own Clothes for Chocolate
We will be holding an own-clothes day on Friday 1st July to support the Rhos St PTA. We are requesting a donation of chocolate which will go on the Chocolate Tombola at the Summer Fair on Friday 8th of July.

Water, Water Everywhere!
Thanks to the fantastic efforts of Tony Dallolio and his team we have water in the polytunnel and Garden Area, this has proved invaluable, particularly in the recent hot weather, in keeping our garden thriving. We are hoping to add an automatic watering system in the near future to keep our much-loved plants happy over the summer holidays. Pupils worked with Mrs. Reece and Brad, from Denbighshire Countryside Services, this week to lay the liner in the pond and begin the filling process using water from our water butts. We are hoping to attract lots of wildlife to the pond and provide a habitat for local aquatic and amphibian species.

This week’s achievers are: Hannah, Finley, Emilia-Grace, Daisy, Isaac, Lola, Oscar, Jacob, Penny, the whole Yr. 3 class, Riley, Llinos and Tiffany.
Welsh awards went to: George, Ruby, Belle, Billy J, Elissa, Lily-Mae, Emily and Joe.
Mia shared her football award, Hari, Henry and Emi-Lee shared their rugby awards and Henry also shared his Race for Life award. Being Brave in your vaccination awards were shared by Maisie and Mia.
Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,

Andrew Davis, Headteacher / Pennaeth