October 2nd 2020
Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
While many school activities, particularly those taking place off-site have been restricted, recently we have had a couple of themed weeks, namely Recycle Week and Bike to School Week. I must say I have been delighted with the response. It has been wonderful to see the range, number and quality of different models made from recycling materials. Thank you for supporting your child at home with them and also for getting the photos to us. Participants have been rewarded today! I’ve also been very encouraged by the number of pupils who have cycled or scooted to school and have sent photos of themselves on their bikes. We’ve had some fun today testing if our cycle helmets are safe and also had some pictures taken. Thank you for supporting these themed activities. They’ve certainly helped to raise awareness of the importance of both recycling and active, healthy travel. I hope the messages remain at the forefront of our pupils minds going forward.
Er bod llawer o weithgareddau ysgol, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n digwydd oddi ar y safle wedi’u cyfyngu, rydym wedi cael wythnosau thema, sef Wythnos Ailgylchu ac Wythnos Beicio i’r Ysgol. Rhaid imi ddweud fy mod wedi gwirioni gyda’r ymateb. Mae wedi bod yn hyfryd gweld ystod, nifer ac ansawdd gwahanol fodelau wedi’u gwneud o ddeunyddiau ailgylchu. Diolch i chi am gefnogi’ch plentyn gartref gyda nhw a hefyd am gael y lluniau atom ni. Mae’r cyfranogwyr wedi cael eu gwobrwyo heddiw! Rwyf hefyd wedi fy nghalonogi’n fawr gan nifer y disgyblion sydd wedi beicio neu sgwtio i’r ysgol ac wedi anfon lluniau ohonyn nhw eu hunain ar eu beiciau. Rydyn ni wedi cael ychydig o hwyl heddiw yn profi a yw ein helmedau beicio yn ddiogel a hefyd wedi cael rhai lluniau. Diolch am gefnogi’r gweithgareddau thema hyn. Maent yn sicr wedi helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd ailgylchu a theithio egnïol, iach. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd y negeseuon yn parhau i fod ar flaen meddyliau ein disgyblion wrth symud ymlaen.
Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,
Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher / Pennaeth
Libraries Week – Next week’s theme is Libraries Week which takes place nationally from October 5-10th. We encouraged our pupils to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge, Silly Squad https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/, but have not yet taken the opportunity to celebrate their involvement. If your child completed the challenge during the holidays, please send/ email/tweet me a photo of them holding their certificate, along with perhaps their favourite book for me to share in next week’s virtual online assembly. We’ll look to highlight any activities involving authors, stories, novels and poems that are taking place in class on our Twitter page, so please keep an eye out and as before, please encourage your child to get involved. Many thanks – seeing photos of our pupils succeeding in various activities make for a much better view than seeing my face on screen!
PTA – It is unfortunate that the normal range of PTA activities cannot take place in the current circumstances. We still want to consider ideas for some PTA activities that work in the ‘new normal’, to share them and also communicate with parents who are interested. If you are a new parent or a current parent who would like to be kept in the loop with all things PTA, then please email rhosstreetpta@gmail.com, so that you can be added to the mailing list.
Breakfast Club – Numbers for Breakfast Club are healthy. This is a good thing as the service provides working parents with the support they need. However, during the current ongoing Covid-19 restrictions please do not send your child to Breakfast Club for any other reason other than for essential childcare purposes. This is in order to ensure we reduce potential congestion and help keep our contact groups distanced in the hall. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Bike to School – It was fabulous to see so many cycle helmets today. Check out Twitter for a great set of photos.
Recycling Week – You’ll also get to see a whole host of recycling models from our creative pupils on our Twitter page. They are fantastic!
Social Distancing and Local Lockdown – You will be aware that Denbighshire has had local lockdown restrictions imposed. This makes it ever more important we play our part to ensure that the virus does not spread, by following the guidelines. Please remain disciplined regarding socially distancing. 2 metres is what we as adults are asked to observe and it is quite a wide gap if you measure / visualise it. We need to be able to say with as much clarity as possible to any contact tracers who may consult with us that adults have maintained that distance. When you are picking up and dropping off, please be mindful of this by arriving on time and leaving promptly in order to reduce congestion. If you are waiting to meet others, please do not wait on pathways, but rather arrange to convene in an agreed area at the front of school away from the flow of human traffic. Many thanks once again.
Parents’ Evening – On the week beginning October 19th, we will hold parental consultations here at the school. We feel it is important to have a face to face meeting rather than a telephone call and will put measures in place so that it can be done safely. Appointment times will be shared in advance.
Twitter – There’s plenty on Twitter to look at once again. There are recycling models aplenty, as well as lots of Bike to School Week images that you’ve shared. There’s also pictures from our fire drill, Year 1 and 2 Welsh, as well as Numeracy and Literacy and ICT. You can also see guitar and cello lessons. If you’re yet to do so, follow us at https://twitter.com/rhosstreet.
Students of the Week – Our Students of the Week were Ella, Eden, Hugo, Isla, Nimrod, Eliza, Scarlet, Seren, Ruben, Poppy, Liam, Charlotte, Maya, Tyler, DanCJ, and Logan. Billy received a Welsh award and Daniel also received an Over and Above award, recognising he has become a free reader.