Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
The wonderful summer weather continues, and the children have certainly made the very most of the sunshine this week, I just hope this isn’t our quota for the summer holidays being used up now! I’m pleased to say they everyone returned from the half-term break refreshed and ready for the craziness of the final half term of this academic year. You can’t get a pin in the diary over the next few weeks, buckle up everyone for an action-packed final half term…
Bicycle Safety on Site
Unfortunately, there was an incident yesterday involving a child at the school being knocked over by another child on a bicycle. Please can I request that all bicycles are pushed on the pathways and grassed-areas around the school to avoid similar, or even more serious, incidents in the future. We love bicycles at Rhos St, they are one of my personal obsessions as well as being a brilliant, healthy and environmentally sustainable way to travel to school. I’m sure that with everyone’s kind consideration in their use we can maximise all the benefits of cycling and mitigate some of the risks. I am extremely grateful for your cooperation and support in relation to this serious safety issue.
School Cleaner
We are currently looking to appoint a cleaner at school Monday to Friday 3.15pm – 5.15pm, with possible flexibility of working 3.00pm – 5.00pm if required. Please contact myself at: / 018240702565 if you are interested in the role, or know of someone who may be interested.
Air Ambulance Fund-Raising Day
We are so proud of Emi-Lee, Indi, Isabelle, Mia, Emily, Cadie, Fletcher and Ethan for their fantastic efforts in raising funds for the Air-Ambulance today. The group were brilliantly prepared and all of the children had a fantastic time in the hall playing the games and enjoying the music. I will share the total raised as soon as we have it. What a wonderful thing to do, and a brilliant example of the power of pupil voice.
Yr. 2 PE Sessions
For the next three weeks, until after June 29th, Yr. 2’s PE sessions will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Thursday’s session will be with Kalvin from Chester football.
National Eco Committee Meeting
Just before half term Fletcher, Bella and Layla from our Eco Council, accompanied by Mrs. Davies, went as far as Canolfan Cae Cymro, in Clawddnewydd, for a national eco-committee meeting focusing on the big environmental questions of our time, eliciting the ideas and viewpoints of young people. The trio had a fantastic day, enjoying the activities and contributing some fantastic ideas.
Sun Safety
The recent hot weather has focused all of our minds on the need to be sun safe. Please see the following precis of our Sun Policy:
• We will actively encourage all pupils to wear a sunhat (ideally with a protective back flap) when playing outside.
• Pupils will wear t-shirts during PE or outdoor lessons to cover up their shoulders.
• We will encourage staff and parents/carers to act as good role models by practicing sun safety
• Parents/carers will be asked to ensure their children wear appropriate cover clothing during sunny periods
• The use of high factor (40+) all day sunscreen will be encouraged across the whole school day and during
outdoor school trips or visits.
• We will remind parents/carers to provide their child(ren) with sunscreen for school trips and events.
• We WILL NOT hold a stock of sunscreen in the school.
Foundation Learners
• Parents/carers will be asked to apply sunscreen to their children before they come to school.
• Parents/carers will be asked to sign a form giving permission for their children to bring their own sunscreen to school and apply it themselves.
• The sun cream must be labelled with the pupil’s name and will be stored in crates and kept by the class teacher.
• The crates of sunscreen will be made available to the pupils during break times and lunch times.
• Pupils will be supervised with the application of their sunscreen.
• Parents/carers will be asked to apply sunscreen to their children before they come to school.
• Parents/carers will be asked to provide their child(ren) with their own sunscreen to bring to school so that they can apply it themselves.
• The pupils will be encouraged to apply sunscreen themselves before playtimes and lunchtimes.
• Pupils will be supervised with the application of their sunscreen
Dates for the Diary
Monday 12th June Kick-It Sports Yrs. R – 6
Tuesday 13th June- Yr. 3 Swimming
Wednesday 14th June – New Yr. 3 Transition Session
Thursday 15th June – Chester Football Yrs. 2 & 6 pm + After-School Club
Friday 16th June – Yr. 5 Transition Event – Ysgol Brynhyfryd 9.30am – 12.00pm
Monday 19th June – Kick-It Sports Yrs. R – 6
Tuesday 20th June – PC Llinos (Police liaison officer) Yrs. N. R & 6
Wednesday 21st June – New Yr. 3 Transition Session
Yr. 6 Ysgol Brynhyfryd Sports Afternoon
Thursday 22nd June – Yrs. 3 & 4 Trip to Xplore Wrexham
Chester Football Yrs. 2 & 6 pm + After-School Club
Friday 23rd June – Nursery Family Service
Monday 26th June – Kick-It Sports Yrs. R – 6
Tuesday 27th June – Sports Day – Foundation Learners am / Juniors pm
Thursday 29th June – Yr. 6 Dangerpoint visit
Yrs. R, 1&2 Trip to Wizz Kids
Chester Football Yrs. 2 & 5 pm + After-School Club
Monday 3rd July – Kick-It Sports Yrs. R – 6
Tuesday 4th July – Reserve Sports Day – Foundation Learners am / Juniors pm
Yr. 4 Swimming (TBC)
Wednesday 5th July – Stay and Play – New Nursery Class Transition Event 1.00pm – 3.00pm
Thursday 6th July – Giggles Trip to Candy Shack
Summer Fair
Friday 7th July – Yr. 6 Transition Day (Ygol Brynhyfryd)
Whole-school ‘Moving-Up’ (transition) morning
Wednesday 12th July – Yr. 6 Leavers’ Service 2.00pm – 3.15pm
Thursday 13th July – Yr. 6 Bikeabiity Day 1
Xplore Science Learning Workshops (Rescheduled) Yrs. 1 – 4
Friday 14th July – Yr. 6 Bikeability Day 2
Tuesday 18th July Yr. 6 Trip to Laser Combat
Yr. 4 Swimming
Wednesday 19th July – End of Term
Additional dates will be added when confirmed.