May 14th 2021 Mai 14eg

Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,

With it being Mental Health Awareness Week, I took the opportunity to speak to the pupils in my weekly online message to the classes, encouraging them to find ways to express themselves in positive ways now that we are coming through the worst of the pandemic. Having spent so long under lockdown over the last twelve months having to (and in many cases, choosing to) spend so much time in front of mobile phones, laptops, tablets and gaming consoles, I felt that now that we come out of restrictions step by step, the opportunities are out there for them to focus on things other than screens. This will benefit their mental health, as well as foster skills of independence, resilience collaboration and self-discipline. We considered the ways in which they could express themselves creatively, such as through art, photography, music, sport and dance to try to kick the habit of on-screen reliance by taking advantages of opportunities in the community, many of which are outdoors.

Hand in hand with that message, was the visit of PC Manus Sheridan, who came and spoke to Years 5 and 6 yesterday about the importance of responsible use of the internet and we were grateful he was able to come along to share some key messages.

Getting the balance right between embracing the technological age and its benefits, while also taking advantage of the many opportunities out there in the ‘real world’ is crucial to the development of our pupils. It is important that our learners not only make the right choices, but appreciate the benefits of those choices to their overall health and wellbeing, as they make their way in life.

PTA Pyjama Day – On Friday May 28th, the day we break up for half term, we will allow our pupils to come in pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns etc. and request a £1 contribution per pupil towards PTA funds.

Students of the Week – Well done to our Students of the Week; Cecily, Ayla, Madalyn, ArloB, Oliver, Sebastian, Scarlet, Claire, Leala, Merry, Thomas, Amelia, Ruby, Tyler and Bhupinder.

Twitter – Lots to view this week from activities across the school, including the Year 1 and 2 visit to Parc Seren to see what equipment they’d like to potentially see installed, plus photos from our visit from PC Manus and lots more!

Co-Op – Huge thanks to the Co-Op for their donation of £200 to the PTA fund for outdoor equipment. We are very grateful and were recently presented with the cheque which will of contribute towards our purchases.

Goodbye Karina – We said a sad goodbye today to lunchtime supervisor Karina, who is leaving to undertake a new role at Ruthin School. We thank Karina for her input over many years in this role and also in the past as a volunteer and of course her work on the crossing patrol. Best wishes to her and good luck! Diolch Karina!

Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,

Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher / Pennaeth