Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
Avery difficult introduction to write this week as our thoughts lie very much with the pupil who was injured in an accident at sports day on Tuesday. All the staff, children and so many of our wonderful school community have expressed their concern, care and support for the child who was injured. We are incredibly grateful to the amazing paramedics, who were on the scene so quickly, for their incredible professionalism, expertise, and the quality of care shown. Heartfelt thanks also to Rowena Kearns, Liz Williams, and Margaret Nield, who instantly offered their help and medical expertise following the accident. We continue, as a school, to keep in close contact with the child and family and will be sharing the lovely get-well soon cards, created by the children, with them shortly. I’m sure you will join me in wishing them the speediest of recoveries and in looking forward to welcoming them back to school as soon as they are able.
Ruthin Festival
Our fantastic choir represented the school at Ruthin Festival on Saturday. They overcame their initial nerves of performing at such a large event, on a big stage, and in front of so many people to sing beautifully. We are so proud of each and every one of them. A massive thank you to the choir, for all their hard work practising and preparing for the performance, the parents and carers for supporting us at the event and bringing the children along on a, less than sun-kissed, Saturday afternoon. Huge thanks also to Rachel, from Denbighshire Music Cooperative, who gave up her own time to prepare and practise with the children and to guide them on Saturday at the festival, and to Mrs. Liddy for giving her time to support their wonderful performance.
Personalised-Assessment Feedback
The feedback from our web-based summer assessments is now available to view on-line. You will be able to access the information using your child’s Hwb Username and Password. Your child should know their username and password, however if you require this information, please contact your child’s class teacher. The information can be accessed on a smartphone, tablet or computer. Viewing the feedback online has obvious environmental and financial benefits and enables parents and carers to access interactive elements of the feedback, which is not possible via printed feedback sheets. Please see attached instruction on viewing your child’s Personalised-Assessment Feedback.
People who Help Us
The Reception Class had a fabulous time learning all about Firefighters as part of their ‘People Who Help Us’ topic. Thank you so much to Nancy’s father for answering the many questions and bringing along equipment to allow the children dress up as firefighters.
Sports Day
Thank you so much to our wonderful school community for coming along to support us here on Tuesday for our Infant and Junior Sports Day. The morning saw the Infant children compete in their many events, and it was lovely to see their positive attitudes, competitive spirit, and sportsmanship shine through. Congratulations to the winners of the parents’ races, Caleb’s mum Dominique and to Finley’s dad John, the latter who was unprecedentedly awarded first, second and third place stickers, by our scrupulous and meticulous finish-line officials, for being the only competitor in the field who followed the stringent, and oft-ignored, bean-bag-on-head race regulations.
It was lovely to see the Junior children, in the early part of the afternoon, competing in their track and field events with them demonstrating great teamwork, positivity and competitiveness, the very embodiment of our Rhos St core values of Be Respectful, be Kind and Be Your Best.
Our focus and thoughts however are very much with the pupil who was unfortunately injured in a fall during one of the races, the first aid and primary care of whom quite rightly, but sadly for all concerned, curtailing the event. We are so proud of the way in which the staff, children and school community have responded to this distressing situation, and I would like to personally thank everyone for their ongoing compassion and support.
Yr. 6 Leavers’ Blessing
The Yr. 6 children will be attending a Leavers’ Blessing at St Peter’s Church in Ruthin on Wednesday the 10th of July at 10.00am – 11.00am (approx.). Yr. 6 pupils form Ysgol Borthyn and Ysgol Pen Barras will also be joining us for the event. Parents, carers, family, and friends are welcome to attend.
Reports & Parental Consultations
Your child’s end of year report has been sent home with them today. In line with the Curriculum for Wales we have endeavoured to make the reports as personalised and individual as possible and very much appreciate your time in reading and sharing them with your child. Any comments that you may have, regarding your child’s report, should be emailed to: and will be collated and shared with the pertinent staff members. An appointment can be made, via the school office, should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s report with the class teacher on Monday 8th of July.
Lunchtime Supervisor
We are currently looking to appoint a lunchtime supervisor to join the brilliant team here at Rhos St. If you are interested and are available 11.45am – 12.45pm daily, please contact myself at: or via the school office on 01824702565 to arrange an informal chat around the role.
Lost Bag
A dark grey cross-body bag was left on the field on Tuesday. Can parents and carers please check if has been accidentally picked up with your belongings. Many thanks.
Weekly Wellbeing
This week’s quote is from William Butler Yeats an Irish poet, dramatist, and writer, and one of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature, and incidentally my favourite poet.
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
W.B. Yeats
This week’s fantastic achievers are: All of the Reception class, Ryan, Jacob, Isla, Sophie and Kadey.
Eva shared her gymnastics awards and Isla shared her swimming medals. Well done to them all!