Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
We awoke today to the news that some pupils may return to school after the half term holiday. I very much hope that this is the case and that we are in a position of safety to do so. I will of course keep you fully updated on the format that this return to face to face learning involves, as soon as I have further information.
Weekly Wellbeing Activity – Thank you for sharing your dens – please keep them coming. Next week’s activity involves the Great British Birdwatch, so please keep an eye out on Google Classroom for details next week.
Estyn – The word Estyn normally brings me out in a cold sweat, but it was a pleasure talking to them at length and in depth this week, in order to share and discuss the details of the school’s Covid response over the last 12 months and particularly our success in meeting the current challenges.
First Minister’s Competition – On Google Classroom, there is also a colouring competition run by the First Minister. Some of our pupils’ entries have been shared on Twitter already and full details have been posted to GC.
Students of the Week – Well done to Eliza and Lucas (R), Jacob, Paige, Isla, Jack, Lilly, Maisie, Belle, Daisy and Nimrod (Bl 1), Seren, Ruben, Ryan, Charly, Scarlet and Romeo (Bl 2), Leyla, Daniel, Jacob and Mia (Bl 3) Mia, Emi-lee, Billy and Jenson (Bl 4), Emily, Kaden and Finley (Bl 5) and Archie, Gabby, Logan and Leo (Bl 6) for their efforts. Keep up the good work!
Home Learning Packs – Updates to Year 1 and 2 home learning packs have been prepared and have been left outside main reception for pick up.
Music Lessons – If you wish for your child to continue receiving music lessons while school remains closed, the Denbighshire Music Co-operative are providing online lessons and you can register to receive them this way, via the following link:
Yours sincerely / Yn gywir,
Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher / Pennaeth