Dear Parents and Carers / Annwyl Rieni a Gwarchodwyr,
Well, what a busy week it’s been as this newsletter will testify. I don’t think anybody could accuse us of taking our foot of the gas now that the Estyn report is out! We’ve received some lovely coverage in the Free Press this week and it’s lovely for the school to be the focus of such positive publicity.
Wel, am wythnos prysur y mae hi wedi bod ac mae’r cylchlythyr yma yn dyst i hynny. Dwi ddim yn meddwl bod neb yn medru ein cyhuddo o gymryd amser i orffwys gan fod yr adroddiad Estyn allan erbyn hyn! Rydym wedi derbyn sylwadau hyfryd yn y Free Press ac mae’n braf i’r ysgol gael bod yn ganolbwynt i gymaint o gyhoeddusrwydd bositif.
Your sincerely,
Bryn D. Jones, Headteacher
Year 5 Family Service – Myths and Legends was the theme of Year 5’s Family Service this morning and they skilfully told us tales through drama, song, recitation, using props, costumes and of course the ICT. Well done to them all – they’ve certainly worked extremely hard. Thank you to them for a fabulous service and to Mrs Davies and staff for preparing them so well. Thank you also for the parental support.
Achievers – Students of the Week were Max. Amelia, Leyla, Kian, Noah, Hakeem, Sophie, Daniel and all of Class 5. Welsh awards went to Casi, Emma, Alexa, RubyA, RubyJ, Casey and Kody. Xander received a certificate for his brass and Sophia a badge for gymnastics. Well done to them all!
Lottie the Bell Competition – Congratulations to the winners of the recent Lottie the Bell competition run by St. Peter’s Church under the coordination of Rev.Stuart. Emily was 1st and has won a trip to Loughborough, while Constance and Emma finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. What a fantastic prize!
Dydd Miwsig Cymru – Our Criw Cymraeg has this week organised that each class recognises National Welsh Music Day. This has involved all year groups watching and listening to YouTube videos of different Welsh language bands, while Year 3 have been taking part in activities involving Seren a Sbarc!
Safer Internet Activities – This week, Safer Internet Day took place and each class has been taking part in activities that promote safe and responsible use of the internet. On Monday, Year 6 took part in some sophisticated discussions about the pros and cons of internet use. They came to some interesting conclusions!
Creative Project Year 5 – Year 5’s creative project this week, involved working on animation and poetry in a very visual and stimulating way. They are really being given the opportunity to be creative in different ways and are being posed some really interesting questions to think deeply about in their work with Elizabeth Jones.
Creative Project Year 2 – Likewise, Year 2 have also been busy with Elizabeth, exploring emotions, responding artistically to music and using colour to show their feelings. Twitter is the place to visit to see lots of photos of these fantastic activities.
Netball Tournament – In this week’s Urdd Netball Tournament, the girls gave a great account of themselves, winning two of their four matches. They were buzzing on their return to school.
Wonderland Period Photos – As part of the Wonderland project, Year 2 and 6 have been working with green screen photography to use Victorian costumes to make period photographs reflecting Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland. I look forward to seeing the finished articles!
TT Rock Stars – In order to raise standards in Mathematics even higher, we have adopted a new online resource to reinforce knowledge of times tables. Our ever reliable Year 6 pupils have been busy visiting classes in order to teach the younger pupils how to use it properly. They will have log in so they can access the resource at home so your child should now be able to show you too!
PTA – Some of our pupils joined PTA Committee members in a special meeting last week, to share ideas and plan activities over the next few months. Thank you Lucy for chairing the session! Please see the PTA Newsletter for further details as well as information about the Disco, which will be held next Friday.
Urdd – We have now registered all members who have paid Urdd subscriptions and enrolled them onto the various competitions that the pupils have shown an interest in taking part. Now, everybody has to get on with the job of learning poems, scripts, musical pieces and dances! We will start work properly next week! The first round will be held on Saturday March 16th, with the County event a fortnight later for those who win through. However. dance competitions are held on a different date and the Dance Eisteddfod is on April 2nd.