April 24th 2020 Ebrill 24ain

Dear Parents and Carers,

We’ve reached the end of the first week of the Summer term and it provides me with another opportunity to update you regarding the resources available for home schooling. Last week, I refreshed the information I wanted to share with you in terms of the online resources, which my teaching staff and I are eager for you to support your child in accessing regularly. As the lockdown period lengthens, this becomes ever more important in order to ensure the transition between this period and their return to school happens as smoothly as possible. Like I’ve said previously many times, the challenge is maintaining the balance for all concened in the household!

This week we have rolled out Google Classroom to all classes from Reception up to Year 6 (Reception added as of today). This is an really innovative resource, which allows teachers to interact regularly with their pupils by setting work, giving feedback and then allowing the child to respond to that feedback. Unfortunately, we still are missing quite a few pupils from each respective class. I understand enrolment is not straightforward, but I’d be grateful if you could inform me if you are experiencing log-in problems, so that I can try to address them with you. If you are experiencing difficulties, please follow the steps in my email on Tuesday. Additionally, it may be useful for you first of all check that you are not logged into any other Google account on Google Chrome and that you are logged into Google correctly, via your child’s Hwb log-in and password. This is very important in order to be set up correctly. Here is a link to a video we’ve made that may be of use in overcoming problems. https://twitter.com/rhosstreet/status/1253606372937211905?s=20

Here are the codes for each class. Please ensure that your child is enrolled by Monday, so that he or she can start following the activities.
All characters are lower case letters or numbers:
Reception: xglni3k
Year 1: lcllwvt (lower case L)
Year 2: hkkfzd4
Year 3: 6hs6xn5
Year 4: boyhoru
Year 5: 67sehet
Year 6: vzght6y

Please see the information below the newsletter, regarding the agreed protocols for staff, pupils and parents that I’d be grateful could be followed.

Other resources shared this week in addition to those in last week’s newsletter include a COVID-19 time capsule document, which seems to have been well received, as well as some great resources put together by Chester FC, for Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 respectively. All these resources are attached to the email sent home today. Also, on our Twitter feed you can see links to a competition run by North East Wales Archives for the best ‘Letter to Future Children’ written by school-age pupils living in Denbighshire & Flintshire. In addition to this on Twitter, Freya’s mascot ‘Scooch the Pooch’ has been shortlisted in a competition poll best Mascot for the Welsh Schools FA, so please pop along to our Twitter feed to vote for her entry.

Please continue to share on twitter and please continue to liaise with me directly by email if you have any need for support, advice or want to share something.

Have a great weekend! May the sun continue shining and may you all be safe, well, happy and in good health.

Yours sincerely,

Bryn D. Jones

Google Classroom Protocols
• To regularly monitor the classroom comments
• To set work regularly
• To mark work, respond and guide appropriately.

• To remember Internet Safety rules
• To not post silly inappropriate comments
• To only comment under the guidance of the teacher’s instructions
• To complete the work according to the instructions given and on time according to deadlines set
• To respond to any suggestions given by the teacher in his/her feedback.

• To appreciate that this is a forum for pupils not for them
• As comments are viewable to everybody, any parental concerns / questions should not be aired via this forum, rather by email to BDJ
• To support their child in completing activities as instructed by teachers and on time.